Monday, July 9, 2018

The Secret City...

Oak Ridge Tennessee is known as "The Secret City"

It's quite a history lesson and one that I find fascinating at the moment. To think that those gals worked on a project without knowing what they are truly doing until the newspaper announced it.

I'm halfway through this one and so glad I picked it up to read!

Time Flies...

Wow, Almost a year has passed since I last posted here....

I have certainly been reading in that year but sadly, this blog took such a backseat. Life has kept us all busy here with 3 kids in school, school projects, teenage drama, middle-child drama, our oldest moving out on her own, buying a house then 8 months later selling this house. A huge move to another state....

Today we are settled in a new state and renting while we decide on where to purchase a house, which part of our town we would love more...that's the question...

So I'm picking up the blog and reviewing books again, reading to relax...

I'm catching up on book blogs too...if you have one Please post your link down below...I'll become a regular visitor!