Wednesday, July 5, 2017

It Started With.....

My love for reading started with Nancy Drew.

Like most girls my age way back, that Summer we were visiting my Grandma and I was bored. She handed over the very first book in the Nancy Drew series that she had in a Forgotten Bookshelf in her spare bedroom...the whole series just sitting there waiting for another unsuspecting little girl to solve mysteries with Nancy.

Now I'm in my 30s and have 2 incomplete sets of the original yellow spinned series.
I read just about everything that I have time to read and in an age of kids on 2 electrical devices at once I'm slowly turning our middle girl into a bookworm too.

I hope to encourage that 1 person that has lost the joy in picking up an actual book and smelling the pages,  bookworms know just what I'm talking about!

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